Tuesday, August 14, 2012

In Memory Of Doris Elaine

With all thy getting
get thee
a heart of wisdom
Proverbs 4:7

Doris Elaine
was one classy dame
whose passing
came far too early
I loved her for
wide brimmed hats
her jaunty air
and all of her unique
that made her seem
so girly

We studied in
Torah class together
and she sometimes
called me
her oracle
But now that she's gone
her chair remains empty
and all of
my memories of her
are now
quite historical

Doris Elaine
was one classy dame
and we will
all miss her dearly
I will always miss her
sense of humor
and her way
of expressing herself
so clearly

Rabbi says
that she was
as ready for death
as anyone
ever can be
He said she gave
the grim reaper
no quarter as
she shasayed off
this mortal coil
with class and style
and her own special
brand of synergy

Philadelphia, Pa. 2012

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